News and events

Check out the interesting, the latest, the eventful happening at JBGO!

JB Warrior 2022

Pradhva was an inspiring and challenging event motivating people to develop their skills and achieve their goals. Each team across various units in the JBGO group had taken up a challenging goal to be achieved in a period of 4 months and the teams and team members who achieve their goals, would be felicitated.

The event was a great success. A lot of team members across departments were awarded for their great performance. It created a lot of energy and a focused approach towards developing competencies and achieving goals.

Spardha 2022

A high energy sports event where the whole JBGO team played tournaments of various sports like Cricket, Tug of war, Relay races and more.

This brought in enthusiasm and fun and helped breaking the routine and strengthening the team connect.

Pradhva 2022

Pradhva was Recognition Event that felicitated the Arjunas of JBGO.

Performance of individual team members was evaluated across teams, ultimately finding the best of the team members also considering their level of knowledge and skills in their work area.

They were recognized for their great work, motivating them as well as others to do their best.